In April 2018, we devised a clever Facebook contest for Miss Maud to help drive engagement, increase LIKES and encourage sign-ups to the e-Club database. The promotion ran as a Facebook poll, inviting fans to vote on their favourite kind of Miss Maud chocolate cake, with the chance to win their choice of cake. The results? The promotion received 13,411 views on Facebook, with 900 people entering the contest, and an amazing 650 new sign-ups to the database.
The digital campaign launched with a promoted post on the Miss Maud Perth Facebook page...
Upon clicking the Facebook post, entrants arrived at a page to vote for their favourite chocolate cake. The entry required an email address and there was a prompt to opt-in for the e-Club newsletter...
Once they had submitted their entry, they received a thank you message and were asked to share the contest with friends via Facebook or email...
We shared the results of the poll on Facebook, which generated fresh engagement and lots of comments.